Mexican Taco Pie
Could you deny that this is one of the most famous dishes from the Mexican cuisine? Could you deny that it's on your top favorite dishes list, too? Well, it will soon become the dish you love to cook the most, for it's so unbelievably fun and easy to prepare, too! First of all, you need to stop by the grocery store and purchase all those ingredients that you'll need, such as beef, corn chips, eggs... If you've already tried some of the best cooking games online, then you're the best player to make the right comparisons and qualify this game as one of the most helpful online cooking shows to attend to! Then, once you're in the kitchen, you'll get to witness the “magic” of all those yummy goodies put together resulting in a... yummy Mexican taco pie! So, are you ready to cut the fresh lettuce, placing it on the cutting board you have there and... chopping, chopping, chopping, then the garlic, then the...?