Anna Cooking Cheesecake

Always eager to discover new and new things about brave princess Anna? Well, then let me tell you that she's a big, big cheesecake fan! You didn't know that, did you and I'm sure you didn't know that she's a great cheesecake cook either! Even as we speak she's putting on her cook apron, getting ready bake a yummy cheesecake for her boyfriend, Kristoff! Seize the chance of stepping into her lovely kitchen, in her castle in Arendelle, and to learn a trick or two about her famous dessert recipe! First things first: start by putting together the ingredients needed for preparing the crust! Drop some crackers into the bowl put at your disposal, then add some creamy butter, as well, some sugar, too, and use the hand mixer you have there for blending them all together! Next, it will be the tasty cheesy filling's cooking time! Could you disagree that this is one of the most engaging cheesecake cooking games you've ever enjoyed? Do another yummy mixture putting together sugar, cream cheese, some cornstarch, as well, a couple of eggs, too, and keep pouring ingredients into that bowl and mixing them all through and through till you have your filling ready! The last, but definitely not the least part of this fun cheesecake cooking class will be that where you add the finger-licking good topping to your dessert! Enjoy it!

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